Cancel culture is a pervasive cultural trend. We see it happening on both sides: conservatives are reluctant to extend grace because they think to do so compromises truth, and progressives are reluctant to extend grace because they think to do so permits injustice. Rather than seeking common ground and pursuing a compromise with dignity and care for the other side, we’d rather cancel each other, tune each other out, write one another off as demonic or crazy, or so foolish or harmful as to be beyond reach.

On this episode of All Things we explore how the Age of Self caused this cultural trend. Self actualization has made us fragile and in need of others’ affirmation. When we get the opposite, we’d rather cancel than give the benefit of the doubt, start a conversation, or question our own beliefs. In addition to looking at how we got here, this episode explores some spiritual truths and practical truths about forgiveness, such as: the very basis for the Christian faith is forgiveness, which is the opposite of canceling; forgiveness is a messy process, not a one time event; and forgiveness leads to both demonstrable physical and mental health benefits. When we acknowledge injustice, but seek to forgive rather than cancel, we extend a gift to others, but also receive the benefit ourselves.

Laying down our lives, paying a debt that was inflicted on us rather than demanding payment for it, and following in the footsteps of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, is the way forward. You and I may not be able to change cancel culture on a global or national scale, but we can change it in our own hearts and affect change in our own families, churches, and communities. Forgiveness is the way forward.

Episode resources:

The Fading of Forgiveness - Timothy Keller

The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars - Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning

The Freedom of Forgiveness: Ancient Christian Wisdom on the Happiness Lab/For the Life of the World - Miroslav Volf and Laurie Santos

Cultural Counterfeits: Confronting 5 Empty Promises of Our Age and How We Were Made for So Much More - Jen Oshman