As we observe a week of youth climate strikes around the world, plus the United Nations Climate Summit, the environment is in all the headlines. Children, youth, and leaders are calling on governments to make some drastic changes or face global collapse. Interestingly, both the strikes and the summit feature Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old girl from Sweden who has recently been thrust to the forefront of the climate change movement. But who’s supporting her and why? On this episode of All Things we look at not just the headlines, but we also think about why Christians ought to be the best caretakers of creation.

The following sources helped in the creation of this episode.

The Briefing, Monday, September 23, 2019 - Albert Mohler

Protesting Climate Change, Young People Take to Streets in a Global Strike - The New York Times

Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade - Standpoint

U.N. Climate Summit Sets Stage For New National Emissions Promises - NPR

Trump drops by United Nations climate summit - CBS News

Highly touted UN climate summit failed to deliver — and Scott Morrison failed to show up - ABC News

GLOBAL CLIMATE STRIKE → SEP. 20–27 - organizational website

Christians and the Environment: How Should Christians Think about the Environment? - Christian Research Institute