Ever heard of Therapeutic Deism? It’s a worldview worth understanding and exploring because it’s everywhere. In the early 2000s the church identified and rightly tried to correct the widely held values of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. But now, it’s Progressive Therapeutic Deism—the belief that there is a God who wants you to be happy and that happens when you are your most authentic self. While this worldview sounds attractive and is peddled and reaffirmed everywhere, it is leading to our ruin. PTD falls short, leaving us discouraged and exhausted and far from the Lord. This episode of All Things explores PTD, that we might rightly discern it, renew our minds, and enjoy abundant life found only in Christ.

The following sources helped to create this episode:

The Therapeutic Gospel - 9Marks, David Powlison

The Theology of Jen Hatmaker, With Anne Kennedy—The Alisa Childers Podcast #52 - Alisa Childers with Anne Kennedy

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism—the New American Religion - Albert Mohler

Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers - Smith and Lundquist Denton