Headlines last week decried the end of Title X funding for Planned Parenthood. The abortion provider claims America’s low-income women will suffer the most—that women will be driven to dangerous back alley abortions and denied life-saving services. They say the Trump administration placed a gag order on their staff, barring free speech and their freedom to provide and promote abortion. Media headlines and talking points since the Trump administration’s upholding of the recent Title X funding rule have been misleading and dishonest. On this episode of All Things, we look at the history of Title X funding, what and who it’s for, how American women in need would fare without the services of Planned Parenthood, and the incredible strength of pro-life pregnancy resource centers. The truth is, Planned Parenthood made the choice to forego limited federal funding to keep providing abortion and the reality is, women are better served at local pregnancy centers anyway. Abortion is our generation’s holocaust and it’s imperative that all citizens understand what’s really going on inside the abortion industry, how it’s funded, and how better services are available elsewhere. As America’s leading abortion provider ramps up its rhetoric, we need to ramp up our knowledge and proactivity on the side of life.

Abortion and Race - Abort73

Planned Parenthood Targets Black Women With Abortion: 79% of Their Clinics are in Minority Neighborhoods - One of Us

March for Life Statement on Ninth Circuit Title X Ruling

Planned Parenthood to withdraw from Title X if Ninth Circuit does not act - Jurist

Statutes and Regulations - Title X Notice of Final Rule - HHHS.gov

BreakPoint: No Abortion Funds for Title X - Breakpoint

The Point: Planned Parenthood Caught Again - Breakpoint

Planned Parenthood Proves Its Deadly Commitment to Abortion by Withdrawing from Title X Funding - The Briefing, Al Mohler

What is a Crisis Pregnancy Center? - Students for Life

Find a Pregnancy Center - Carenet

Planned Parenthood forced to make an impossible choice - CNN Opinion

Planned Parenthood (funding) - Wikipedia

Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Served 2 Million People, Saved Communities $161M in 2017 - Charlotte Lozier Institute (Susan B. Anthony)

Abortion Statistics - National Right to Life

Abortion Is Not an Unforgivable Sin - Jen Oshman