It’s fitting that this week when the world population reaches 8 billion humans, this podcast reaches 100 episodes. Here’s why: being human matters, and every human being matters. These two truths drive every episode of All Things.

There are now 8 billion humans created in the image of God in our world. Being created by God has tremendous implications. It means we are dependent on God, loved by God, accountable to God, and more. You, and I, and all 8 billion people who live now, were made with care and intentionality—on purpose, for a purpose. Each human life has dignity and worth and value simply because each human life has been created with care by our God above.

Join me on this episode to reflect on our massive human population. Let’s also pause in wonder at the God who holds us all together.

World’s Population Reaches 8 Billion—Here’s What You Need To Know - Forbes

World Population Reaches 8 Billion, U.N. Says - NY TImes

Should We Panic About Overpopulation? - Breakpoint