In honor of this weekend's Season 3 premiere of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", we present an encore presentation of a special interview with voice actress and the voice of Spike the Dragon, Cathy Weseluck
Cathy Weseluck is a canadian voice actress who is best known for her roles as the beautiful Chinese Amazon, Shampoo from the animé classic, “Ranma 1/2″, Near in "Death Note", Cybersix in the classic "Cybersix",  and more recently, the assistant to Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon from the popular “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!”   When Dennis reveals he has a crush on the Chinese Amazon chef, what will happen when Dennis finally meets his crush? Will Shampoo “crush” Dennis into the ground if he tries to make a move? Can Dennis help Spike crush his fear of talking to Rarity, whom he has a crush on? Plus, Dennis talks with Mayor Mare about her presidential run in 2012.