At the MathsJam weekend gathering earlier this month, we found ourselves invited to join maths podcasting supremo Samuel Hansen for a recording session. Nothing unusual there: podcasts have been recorded at MathsJam before. But this time Samuel wanted to record more than one podcast at the same time – since many of the maths podcasting…

At the MathsJam weekend gathering earlier this month, we found ourselves invited to join maths podcasting supremo Samuel Hansen for a recording session. Nothing unusual there: podcasts have been recorded at MathsJam before. But this time Samuel wanted to record more than one podcast at the same time – since many of the maths podcasting community were present, it seemed like a good plan to grab anyone who wasn’t already doing something else and record something quite unlike any podcast you’ve ever heard.

During the recording:

Samuel and Peter Rowlett reprised their long-running international maths Skype chat Math/Maths Podcast, by chatting a bit about maths that’d been in the news that week (hence the fake Skype phone ringing noise)
Colin Beveridge from Wrong But Useful, minus his usual sidekick Dave Gale, jumped in and chatted to Samuel and Peter about how the MathsJam Gathering was going, established who was who in real life and as usual gave the Number of the Podcast
Members of the Chalkdust team, who now produce a regular podcast called Talkdust, jumped in to do a bit of their usual thing, and played a game of Guess The Number
Samuel took the opportunity to record an interview with an interesting maths person (actually, World’s Most Interesting Mathematician Nira Chamberlain) for his Strongly Connected Components podcast, which kind-of also counted as an episode of Peter’s podcast Travels in a Mathematical World (and which we also claimed was part of an All Squared podcast, since that was always based around an interview with an interesting maths person, so Samuel kindly let me open and close a bracket around the recording, in case that was confusing (it was))
Since Peter, Christian and I were all there, we took the chance to do a bit of an Aperiodcast, which used to be a non-regular round-up of things going on here on the site
In a blast of Relatively Prime, Samuel shared a story from the mathematical domain, talking to Michelle Girvan from the University of Maryland about a mistyped citation getting re-cited
We surprised Peter by also recording a condensed version of one of his and my Taking Maths Further podcasts, in which we chat to someone about how they use maths in their job (in this case compliant nearby maths user Ben Ashforth) and how they found taking A-level further maths helped them in their career
Samuel then surprised all of us by putting us on the spot about a maths topic, in the style of his other other podcast, Combinations and Permutations.

Photo of the podcast being recorded, by Matthew Scroggs on Twitter

In fact, pretty much the only podcasters present at MathsJam not represented in the recording are the team from Odds and Evenings, who were too busy doing other fun things to come and join us – but their podcast is also well worth a listen!

Many of the podcasts represented no longer record, but their back catalogues are still available to listen to – and you might find something interesting!

The result, titled “Taking All Math Components Talk Relatively Wrong Cast Live at MathsJam 2018” can be listened to on SoundCloud (or using the player above).

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