This message was delivered on Sunday, July 31, 2022 at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma by Rev. Tamara Lebak Description: Maybe there is a part of you that wants to come to church and a part of you that wants to stay home. Maybe there is a part of you that wants to flee the country and a part of you that wants to firmly plant yourself in the resistance. Maybe there is a part of you who is skeptical of everything and a part of you that has experienced something truly mystical in nature. I certainly have all of these parts. What does it mean that we have these parts? How do we balance the tension between our polarized parts? How do we navigate respecting all the parts of ourselves to take our next right step? Join me as I explore the respect through the construct of multiplicity of self, an indigenous concept that has been pathologized by academia and demonized by the culture of the Christian church.