Previous Episode: Temptations

Sermon delivered by Rev. Tamara Lebak, Assistant Minister, Jan. 13, 2008.Tim O’Reilly writes that John Brockman’s magazine The Edge ( is “A remarkable feast of the intellect... an amazing group of reflections on science, culture, and the evolution of ideas. Reading the Edge question is like being invited to dinner with some of the most interesting people on the planet.? This month The Edge put the question to over a hundred scientists and scholars “What have you changed your mind about? Why?? Articles were submitted by Steven Pinker, Alan Alda, Michael Sherman, Richard Dawkins and many other names that you would likely recognize. I scanned for theologians and UU ministers and found none. The question intrigues me. How much and what kind of evidence instigates a change of mind? A change of heart? Over your lifetime, what have you changed your mind about and why? And how is this relevant to our religious community today?