Let’s start with a story! Once upon a time, a professor approached a boatman for a ride downstream in exchange for a small sum of money. The professor decided to show off his intelligence while they were in the boat, and started arrogantly testing the simple boatman. First, the professor started grilling the boatman about geology, then said that 25% of the boatman’s life is gone simply because he doesn’t understand the subject.

Next, the professor scooped a leaf from the water and asked if the boatman understood botany. When the answer was no, the professor claimed the boatman’s life was 50% gone. The professor was so wrapped up in his desire to stump the boatman that he didn’t notice the water starting to get rough and choppy. The professor then pointed at a mountain and asked the boatman if he knew geography. Again, the boatman didn’t, and the professor claimed that the boatman’s life was 75% gone because of ignorance.

At that moment, the choppy water became so rough that the boatman lost control of his rowboat, and it crashed into a huge boulder. The boatman and the professor both fall into the torrent and begin gasping for air, with the current swirling around them.  At this point, it was the boatman’s turn to ask the professor a question: “Do you know how to swim?” The professor answered, horrified, “No!” The boatman replied, “Well then, I’m afraid 100% of your life is gone.”

We are living in times of rapid and revolutionary change, like the river in the story about the boatman. And that river is only speeding up and becoming more unpredictable. If you get caught in theory, like the professor, you’ll get in trouble. You need to be well-versed in the practical, like the boatman, to swim through business in today’s world. What took a decade to change in the past can now happen in a matter of days.

Tune into this episode to learn more about how the power of practical knowledge and the ability to manage uncertainty can help you navigate these fast-changing waters. You’ll hear about why it’s important to prioritize what’s important instead of what’s urgent, the roles of passion and commitment, a 7-word negotiation template, and much more!

In This Episode:

[02:23] - We hear about the three key insights that Alex will cover in today’s episode.

[03:57] - Alex shares an entertaining yet deeply insightful story about an arrogant professor and a boatman.

[08:00] - The river of the times we’re living in is changing and speeding up, Alex points out, and ties this into his personal experiences.

[09:17] - We learn more about the power of practical knowledge.

[12:02] - Alex explores the difference between productivity and priority, and explains why you should focus on important rather than urgent tasks.

[14:58] - Alex gives some specific examples to illustrate the points that he has been talking about.

[16:36] - We hear a specific example of negotiation and the 7-word template that Alex uses, as well as how much money he’s saved by using it.

[19:02] - Alex offers another example, this time about copywriting instead of negotiating. He also offers a FREE gift: 27 Proven Winning Headline Templates to make you a better copywriter.

[21:46] - If you want to be a coach, mentor, author, thought-leader, or speaker, have a weekly show for at least three months, Alex recommends.

[23:17] - Here’s today’s Alexism: focus on taking action, because results are none of your business!

[23:55] - Alex shares a simple method to go from poor to great in 30 days as a writer or copywriter.

[25:33] - We hear a quick review and recap of the specific insights that Alex has covered throughout this episode.

[27:31] - Speaking of recaps and reviews, please take a moment to head to this link! Once you’re there, please rate the episode and and leave your biggest takeaway as a review.

[28:37] - In honor of the 27th episode of this show, Alex has a free gift: a completely free copy of his book Alexisms! To learn how to get yours, tune into this episode.

Links and Resources:

Alex Mandossian


Skipio - where mass business texting gets personal!

Alex Mandossian on YouTube

Alexisms by Alex Mandossian

All Selling Aside on iTunes

Harv Eker

FREE GIFT from Alex: 7 Proven Winning Headline Templates

Gary Halbert