Previous Episode: Find Your 3rd Place
Next Episode: Tested Selling Sentences

I learned one of my most valuable business lessons at a time when I was at my lowest both personally and in my business. I was reminded of this lesson this past November while listening to Perry Belcher’s talk at the Genius Network BIG EVENT. He stated that 70% of your success in business is due to your team. Not your marketing, your operations, your production, or your cash flow, but the team that you surround yourself with.

After listening to Perry’s talk, I was reminded of a time when I was going through a divorce, spiraling downhill emotionally, and then realized that my team members were stealing from me. You see at that time, I had a roster poisoned by “B” players, and had I known Perry prior to this, my roster would have been filled with only “A” players. 

Perry’s talk summarized the 5 key questions you should ask your team members to recalibrate and make sure you’re on track. The boat only moves forward if all of the rowers are in tune, so you have to have a way to measure your synchronicity. The three key insights for this episode are: 

What are the 5 questions that can quickly align your business team?  Why are the 5 questions a critical 1st step to unearth “B” players?  How can you adopt the 5 questions to easily align your team? 

Richard Branson famously said, “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your clients.” Ask your team these questions and then take their answers and develop training and development tools. Also, don’t be afraid to let go of those “B” players. They will only drag you down!

In This Episode: 

[04:06] - Alex shares the three key insights you’ll learn in this episode.

[05:57] - Listen as Alex relates a talk from the Genius Network BIG EVENT in November.

[08:12] - Learn why over 70% of your success is due to your team per Perry Belcher.

[09:34] - Alex describes a time when his team was misaligned and he realized why his employees and team come first.

[13:05] - How do you align everyone so that they are one team going in one direction? Ask these five questions: 

What business are we really in?  Who is our ideal client? What do our clients value most from us?  What results do we have so far?  What’s our plan for the future? 

[14:56] - Alex digs deeper into the 5 questions you should ask your team and why.

[17:55] - What it means if your team doesn’t respond to the questions. 

[18:25] - Why are these questions a critical first step to identifying “B” players? 

[19:41] - Learn how you can adopt these 5 questions. 

[20:45] - The Alexism is, “During the start-up phase of any business, there is no such thing as a ‘little’ mistake.”

[21:49] - Hear the quick review of the key insights in this episode (and how they apply to your pets): 

What are the 5 questions that can quickly align your team?  Why are the 5 questions a critical 1st step to unearth “B” players?  How can you adopt the 5 questions to easily align your team?

[23:10] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link!

[25:31] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a completely free copy of his book Alexisms by going to this link! You will also get free access to his $497 VBT e-Course!


Links and Resources: 

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Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series

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Alexisms by Alex Mandossian

All Selling Aside on iTunes

Alex Mandossian’s free live Friday show

Perry Belcher
Richard Branson