Tell us a little about life as a single mom and managing relationships with exes and current relationships. She was promoting relationship development with her boyfriend’s child’s mother. They developed a bond by discussing the child. When you stay in a relationship with lies, you devalue yourself. The likelihood that a man is living with another woman and there’s nothing going on is very slim. All Queens Army is about Building Self-Esteem. Breezy and Pam talk about how they developed a relationship in spite of a man’s lies. Most of the time, the tension is because the man is in the middle. Men don’t know how to juggle having a relationship with their child’s mother and the new woman. The feeling when your man has moved on and the child needs to be integrated into the new relationship is the worst in the world. The best advice Breezy ever got was to take every blow to the face, let your guards down, and feel the pain. We’re in our place in society where most relationships don’t stay together. As women, we have to learn how to cope with this new dynamic. Every child needs both of their parents even if you don’t like the situation they’re in. Talk about how you developed an actual bond. They had an understanding of the commonalities that were the father, and son. Pam got a totally different perspective of Breizy as a mother and as a woman. Let your children develop their own relationships with the woman and her children. What are the red flags you should be aware of? When a man is negative about someone they shared years with, that should be a red flag. How can we work toward unity? Women should focus on learning, understanding, and trying to get to know the other woman on her own. You may act differently with one woman than you do with another. Take the negative off of the other woman. We need to learn how to move forward in a productive way. Maybe there’s some validity to you disliking the other woman, but when does that stop? If men aren’t being 100% transparent and he knows that, then he doesn’t want his past to talk to his potential future. We need to do better and be honest about why we feel the way we feel. At the end of the day the children pay the price, we need to move forward for the sake of our children.