Imagine battling anxiety, breaking up a long-term relationship with an addict, and having panic attacks on live TV... 

Noah Levy, who works in content creation and brand development as a TV & podcast producer, joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio powered by Sennheiser to share his lessons learned as he battles loneliness and cultivates a source of strength.

In this episode, Noah talks about:

The first moment he became aware of the spiritual and metaphysical world around him
His obsession with psychic hotlines
Discovering Louise Hay (of Hayhouse fame) and her teachings while attending NYU
How to change your thoughts to change your reality
Working through anger, and how envisioning who you may be mad at as a little child is beneficial and can place things in perspective
His history as a magazine editor and his run on TV as a co-host on VH1’s "The Gossip Table"
The shame that surrounds mental illness and loneliness
His intuitive reading session with Julie and his reflections.