Being a 4D Thinker, transformative tech meets human evolution, how Korean-American Midwest roots shapes an ecosystem of startups, and human transcendence…

June Choi, CEO of Serval Ventures (evolving the startup success and venture investment model by applying a data-driven experimentation approach, honing talent, and delivering thoughtful and sustained support) joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode:
How Choi had as many as five careers, and being a Korean-American immigrant
Choi was supposed to go to med school, but sees herself as a four-dimensional thinker, see things play out, didn’t want that path
Figuring what she didn’t want, and her parents disowned her
She decided to pursue a literature degree, loved reading books, and her father disowned her again
Took a business minor
Wanted to be a judge, but didn’t want to go to law school
Moved to England because they speak English too
Couldn’t feed herself, depended on Ramen
Becoming an executive director at just 26 for a non profit
Got divorced, had a child, had to support child but not do it full time
Did strategy consulting
Took professional sacrifices to be home with her child as much as possible
Decided she is female role model for her daughter
Then started a company, which was scary
Choi had resisted being an entrepeneur for a long time, was freeing
Being an advisor to a startup and they wouldn’t listen
So, became an investor
Why aren’t accelerators and venture investing evolving properly?
As an investor – less tech people in tech companies, business people have an idea, then hire expensive people for a startup, so they have to raise money instead of building company and product and going to market
Choi focused on the need to keep founders focused, and thus the innovation roadmap developed
The way different people think, complex vs. linear
Chan provides an intuitive reading – using play and education
Facilitator instead of farmer, helping others understand each other, further their visions
Community watering hole, serenity and togetherness
Contributing to the farm
Emerging tech
How people are evolving

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