Sound, vibration, and music as universal methods of healing, awakening, consciousness, and bringing peace to humanity…

Brooke Gillespie (a visionary sound healer, song writer and song carrier of sacred songs from all over the world including Native American songs from South, Central, and North America, Tibetan and Sanskrit mantra, African songs and more, a gifted energy and sound healer, Pleiadian Lightworker and Reiki Master who believes in sound and music as universal methods of healing) joins Jessica Brodkin in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode:
How Brooke Gillespie was raised in nature, always knew she’d live in NYC, grew up in Twin Cities area
Moved east for school and exploration when she was 19
Father is a musician, surrounded by music, mother a dancer
Learned about yoga and Buddhism etc early in life,
The Aquarian Age is now, ruled by air element we’re in it now, sound is part of air element
Gillespie as a sound healer, part of sound healing colelctive
Shamanic sound healing experiences and journeys for people
You are your own biggest healer
Golden drum, community pf people coming together, some live together, 17-20+ people.
What brought her onto healing journey, felt suffering as a young person
Sweat lodges
Light work healing to integrate body mind, heart, spirit, emotion, aura etc
Connecting with community

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