Award-winning Australian filmmaker Bill Bennett on intuition and the genesis and making of the documentary “PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System”…

Bill Bennett, whose numerous feature films and documentaries have won many awards, including Australia’s equivalent of the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director, and been nominated a further twelve times, and Australia’s equivalent of the Emmy for Most Outstanding Documentary, has had his work distributed through several Hollywood studios and screened at some of the world’s most prestigious film festivals. Bennett joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios in New York (powered by Sennheiser) to discuss his documentary film “PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System” exploring the nature and existence of intuition.In this episode:
Why Bennett started in 1999 working on a documentary about intuition after a near fatal crash in New Orleans at an intersection – he was saved because of hearing a voice telling him to slow down, intuition
Deciding to make a documentary, how it took 18 years
Why it mattered that Bennett came from skeptical and journalistic backgrounds
How he was successful at getting movies made, but couldn’t get the film made the way he made previous films, by sheer force of will
When Bennett decided he needed to decide in the morning, then had a dream that told him about making the film however he can in a non traditional way, and just to do it and begin it
How he woke up at 4:44 am after that dream, and found meaning in that time in being surrounded by angels and spirit guides
Than, flying to India, giving himself over entirely to guidance and intuition
How he knew no one in India who could help him, and had nothing lined up despite knowing movie people in India
Having a clear recollection from previous trips of a billboard about an institute, asked to come and interview the director about intuition – then when he found out there never was billboard
Meeting a living saint, and was directed from person to person with top experts in intuition from all over the world
Being in awe of powers that worked through him to make the film
Intuition exists, how we all have it, the purpose it has to keep us on our life path
How intuition can be regarded as a legitimate functioning system in the body, but works in the energetic realm
Science hasn’t figured out a way to empirically prove it, so it is largely ignored by Western science
Germs were only discovered 150 years ago, so what else does science not know?
The rational mind wants to keep us in what’s real because that’s safe, ego is about survival
Intuition goes into the unknown
People accept fear as a part of their lives and don’t even question it
From fear to intuition
How Bennett got to the point of being largely devoid of fear
Having good karma and what you do with that second chance, accepting fulfilling your function/purpose, or death is to impact on someone else
Being his purpose to make the film and make people aware of the journey he’s been on, not to prosthelytize
Survival intuition to sense threat or menace
Cognitive intuition based on expert and even forgotten knowledge, intellect and training based
Mystical or divine intuition, from the soul
Stopping to allow yourself to listen to the intuitive impulses that come to you, pay attention
Healing relationship with sister
Why Bennett doesn’t feel disappointment anymore
People are aspects of the divine, like us
The ways the film has impacted others
The toughest screening was the one at which his family saw the film, as he doesn’t think they believe he’s changed
What he learned from James Van Praagh saying he’s nervous
First thought, best thought
A life changing moment for Julie that becomes an inspiration and awakening

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