Classical Acupuncture and Healing…

Imagine sitting in Mario Batali’s restaurant and feeling spiritually guided to talk with him, only to be offered a shot in his kitchen. In an interview covering everything from repressed memories to a Buddhist pilgrimage, Holly Burling, Spiritual Intuitive, Acupuncturist and Healer, joins guest host Jessica Brodkin [Episode 11] in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode:
Burling describes how her spiritual awakening began in her teens, how she knew something was wrong, how she developed eating disorders, thought something inherently bad about her, she began drinking heavily, then after her freshman year of college she met Andre and fell in love, felt deeply connected while afraid of intimacy. At that time she also recalled being sexually abused by a distant family member.
People started coming to Burling for help at 19 years old with their issues and asking for guidance, while she’s in her own trauma
Discovering she had a powerful force working through her.
Knowing a divine force was always around her and supporting her, and a first waking vision happening at 22
How she lost her romantic partner in devastating way and it broke her
Hearing a voice of the Divine, embedding a message that no matter how wounded you are you can always heal and transcend that
Realizing her spirit is strong, and it took her out of the dark place
Becoming a chef, moving from a BBQ place into fine dining, moving to Italy to learn to cook, and being inspired to meet Mario Batali and a remarkable moment when he approached her with a job
Working with Batali at the time his kitchen was at the top of its game, which Burling describes as the most misogynistic kitchen she’d ever worked in
The way she works with people, intuitive, acupuncture, empowering people in their self-trust, and tapping into their own intuition
The pulse, the liver, and becoming a Buddhist
Freeing up energy that was used for bad things and then becomes used for life force
Being in the Himalayas, and feeling like she had returned home
Everything can be healed, and anyone can have an amazing and fulfilling life even if they have experienced a lot of pain and trauma, moving toward healing

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