Universal themes and intersections of world religions and spirituality…

Interfaith minister, tarot reader, Vedic astrologer, Kabalist and Reiki healer Dainichi Lazuli goes into full out expert mode. What is the true origin of the Abrahamic faith that Western civilization is built on, and is there proof that the divine feminine exists in the original Judeo-Christian tradition? And, what are the universal themes within world religions, creating a perfect spiritual symphony?

Dainichi Lazuli , an Angel Card Reader, Intuitive Healer, Guide & Spiritual Coach. Holistic & Complementary Therapy practitioner at Aum Shanti Bookshop of Eastern & Western Spirituality and Crystal Gallery, and Assistant Manager, Modern Magus And Reiki Shinpuden at Namaste Bookshop, joins guest host Jessica Brodkin (Episode 11] in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode:
Lazuli shares how he became involved with and learned so much about religion and spirituality, as a middle child of seven and always not feeling like he belonged, always having anger, causing him to leave the house as a young age to seek something greater, then meeting a Cambodian family who taught him a lot, and staying with them for six years
The mystic aspects of Judeo-Christian teachings
The current theta that connects people together, and why Lazuli believes he is an Indigo Child
What led Lazuli to Buddhism and Hinduism, and why Hinduism was a derogatory term, and Vedantic practitioners, Vishnu and Shiva gods
Finding proof of the Mother of God
How the Divine Feminine has a place and explanation in Abrahamic traditions
The relationships between Adam and the atom, and what the Heart of God may have to do with Oppenheimer
How we all choose everything around us, there are no coincidences
Divining with crystals a.k.a. lithomancy
How Tarot cards are connected to the Torah
Why our spinal column emulates serpent-like qualities
The number seven and its importance, God and math
An attack of the Divine Feminine on Friday the 13th, and how two people in unison create God the whole
How the Tree of Life is planetary and astrological
Being in stillness is when we receive guidance and enlightenment
How Lazuli became an authority on the subject of religion and spirituality, the influence of Professor Brignola
How Lazuli immersed himself in Interfaith, merging various religious concepts together, and became an Interfaith Minister
When Lazuli prayed to God to put him in a place where he can make a difference, and a week later was in Namaste bookshop
Lazuli learned from many teachers including a Vedic astrology mentor, studied Kabala, and The Course in Miracles
Why we need to stop searching for God and other things, as in stillness there is God, and how helping others is the highest state of joy
Developing healing modalities to heal body, mind and soul

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