Cryptocurrency and spirituality…

It’s hard to scroll through your phone without reading and hearing about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency these days. So, who’s behind that success, and what does this have to do All Possibilities?

Meet Margaux Avedisian, Partner and Co-Founder at CooLPool Fund & EVP at Transform Group. Guest host Jessica Brodkin [Episode 11] used to perform comedy with her at the Bitcoin center in SoHo, New York, every week for years. Plus, she is also one of the industry’s most experienced cryptocurrency marketers.

Avedisian shares her story and why she believes in an ethical and spiritual way to conduct business that helps everyone, how her diligent spiritual self care (using the tools of Kundalini yoga, Kabbalah, gratitude, and Reiki) have transformed her life into a real “Cinderella story” — so much so-that she is known internationally at the Queen of Bitcoin. Recorded at MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode:
How Avedisian became known as the Queen of Bitcoin, and an expert in cryptocurrency and blockchain, being involved since 2012
Starting as an entrepreneur , launching the first American Bitcoin exchange, helping get American Education Day on The Hill about Bitcoin, and now an EVP at a leading PR firm representing most ICOs (token companies)
The nature of cryptocurrency, not having one company control money or info, empowering people, how all people who downloaded the software are mining info, keeping track of Bitcoin, instead of a central authority like a bank who may not have society as its primary interest, and how one cannot trace cash, but can trace cryptocurrency
When Avedisian had rough times, getting evicted, sleeping at a construction site, fighting courts, having no money from doing startups, then started doing yoga, and her life changed quickly in one year after pursuing a spiritual quest
The laws of the universe and how Avedisian uses them, how everything is energy, knowing vs. practicing, how everything happens for a reason and how you react to it determines a lot of things, and something may not really be bad if you gain perspective
Kundalini yoga and Avedisian’s awakening, the value of having someone keeping you accountable, Avedisian’s shift after meditation, then Kabbalah, the mystical parts of religion, and the many perspectives of the same thing, earning light, being here to create and earn goodness, and the mistake of not accepting what someone is giving
How does spiritualty feed success, and how does one define success since becoming more spiritual, how spirituality changes perspective and allows one to be able to get out of a mood, and how opportunities arise when one is more positive, how one views and loves oneself
People have same experiences over and over
No one can take what is meant for you, and knowing that fosters greater community
“No one can darken my light”, say what you think and go after what you want regardless of what people say, say when things are not right, and shine light on things that are

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