Next Episode: It’s a boy!

Higher self development, moving from an outdated, ego-based operating system to a heart-intelligent, co-creative state of being, and awakening and activating the infinite potentials that reside within each one of us…

Can helping people find beauty on the outside provide a way to offer them beauty on the inside? Niki Manavi did just this, working for 10 years as a freelance hair and makeup artist for big time TV shows. She was born with a full consciousness, and began bringing higher consciousness and energies into the media world by impacting from behind the scenes. Manavi shares how she now impacts others as a higher self-development coach and as an instrument of higher consciousness, why food and gut health are important, and how theta healing can heal addictions. Plus, how millennial generations are made up of Indigo Children and Light Warriors. Manavi, Founder of Light YourWay (speaker, Higher-Self Development Coach, and an unstoppable LightWarrior who works with leaders, changemakers, and lightworkers around the globe to answer their highest calling), joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode:

How Manavi was feeling like she was dropped off on wrong planet since birth, feeling displaced, rigidity around her, the many stories she was being told that didn’t feel right, like amnesia
Our endless dramas and polarities with people operating in ego-driven realities, and for Manavi it felt like so far from truth
Having a connection that superseded Manavi’s age, how wisdom is not defined by age but by presence and awareness, and how it didn’t align well with the Greek culture and why she withdrew inward
Becoming a hair and makeup person in TV, and how one is in close proximity with talent in their energetic sphere, and how getting hair and makeup can make you feel loved
How Manavi needed to segue out because the TV setting wasn’t appropriate to deliver the full message, and she started getting universal push to start Light YourWay, and be in a setting people can open up more
The fusion of clairaudience, clairsentience, Reiki, being used as medium to bringing higher consciousness through an energetic conduit, streaming higher frequencies to assist someone, with self development, taking essence of a higher self and bridging with development where someone doesn’t just have to switch suddenly between their other self and job, merging into the higher self completely, higher self development, in a tangible and practical manner
Higher self vs. ego, how the higher self doesn’t mean better or superior, but means a higher voltage, different frequency, and the fastest way to that level, and the heart is the portal to the sun
Feelings are not emotions, emotions are connected with ego and mind, feelings are organic and truth in your heart
Waiting for people to give us permission to go there, or do we need validation from external sources or being willing to not be held back by findings or research
Reiki, theta energetics, emotional freedom technique
How consciousness is upgrading to a fifth dimensional state
Indigos are bringing forward higher levels of frequency, different levels of consciousness merging into our world to accelerate human evolution
How the universe is gradual and sophisticated, effecting change smoothly and slowly, making it difficult to see it is changing all around us
Star seeds, Indigos, beings of light
Looking at how more children are being born this way, one in five, and more and more since 2012, more encodings of consciousness, with it all accelerating
A shortcut, and how bacteria in the gut and brains connects with receptivity to things when you don’t have good microbes in the gut, the ability to strengthen gut biotics by drinking raw milk, eating yogurts and more — resulting in dispelling lower levels, symptomatologies, not letting anyone derail you because of the support from the universe
The end of the world vs. the end of an old consciousness
Waking up consciousness in being human
How ultimately it is up to you, your choices, and what you think is possible

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