Fighting sensitivity-based anxiety and depression with yoga and meditation…

Alexandra Macias, cofounder of The C3 Method (a three-step process that promotes making a choice, taking a chance, and experiencing a lifestyle change to reduce stress and increase morale — using a conscience approach and providing a customized wellness program in the workplace and a mindfulness curriculum to students K-12) joins Julie Chan for a conversation on yoga, meditation, healing, and anxiety and depression caused by high sensitivity and intuition. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser. (Macias’ profile)A troubled childhood, drawn to the spiritual world, and a prayer and a promise

Macias discusses why yoga is important in terms of healing from depression and anxiety and feeling ostracized, reconnecting with body, how she medicated from age 12, healing with anxiety and depression but depending on pill to get by every day, being sensitive and highly intuitive since she was very young, having a good upbringing and going to Catholic school, having gut feelings and then that thing would happen, parents got divorces at 9 years old, high levels of anxiety, having a premonition a week prior to her parents’ splitting up, being ten years old when she started getting asthma and not being able to breathe, a first major panic attack that was terrifying, how anxiety is like an addiction, how she became claustrophobic and with OCD tendencies, wanting to deny it, assuming people think she’s crazy, and then getting suicidal thoughts and trying to commit suicide, and being scared every day. Her difficult journey, feeling drawn to the spiritual world even at four years old and feeling weird, wondering whether she was causing own conflicts, and relapsing in depression when a friend died. Moving from LA, she could have tried to put this behind her no one has to know, and praying to God to get her through this, promising she’d dedicate her life helping people get through things like this.The C3 Method, higher productivity and lower costs, and engagement

Starting The C3 Method because of panic attacks, how she was put on stress leave twice, why companies take the C3 Method on and evaluating ROI, evaluating how it is helping a company in productivity and saving money on health care costs, how healthy and happier is more productive with less stress leave, and more engaged and healthier employees. How the biggest decisions are how it saves money for companies and how easy it is. The C3 Method brings everything into the office, and customizes the service and experience. Dealing with people chained to desks, so engagement is key, along with switching up the modalities.What young people need to learn, starting school programs, and voicing feelings

As a society we have failed to teach young people self-care and self-love over work ethic, requiring a mind shift to prioritize this. Employers are more commonly noticing mental health issues, and the importance of creating programs for young people, giving them a moment to be themselves. Don’t have resources or proper attention. And how programs in schools started with a free one from The C3 Method. Macias shares a wish list to support the program, a wish to be a part of every school’s program, and a chance for kids to be able to voice how they feel.

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