Spreading joy and being present in its discovery…

Jillian Richardson, freelance comedic writer and founder of The Joy List (bio), joins Julie Chan for a mini-intuitive reading and discussion on spreading joy and living a live of purpose. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.Funny copywriting, mindful entrepreneurs, and creating The Joy List

Richardson reviews her background as a freelance writer, working with companies who want to make their companies laugh, the life of a funny copywriter, and how and why she created The Joy List when she moved to NYC to find and participate in great communities. Mindful entrepreneurs meetups, ways to meet people and deeply connect, eye gazing and connections and messages, balancing the emotions of looking for the next paycheck, and the contrast of being around people vs. the solitude of being a freelancer.Jelly beans, trying everything, and relishing each moment

Chan shares a mini intuitive reading, aligning with one is on a soul level, the metaphor of jelly beans different flavors with colors so similar, life like a jar of jellybeans, each with own flavor, eating a handful, combining into a new singular flavor, or eat one and savor, tripped up by the hunt for the one best jellybean, which doesn’t exist. Being in the state of discovery, reflecting on when Richardson might assume she’d react a certain way without knowing the actual result, and being open. A child telling others what to do and being bossy as a child, being perceived as very smart. How the reading reinforced that the way she’s leading her life is not wrong. Being brought up being a very good job candidate, now working for herself. Jelly beans as things on her life that she could be doing, not shunning anything, trying everything and seeing what resonates best. Relating this to a romantic life, if jelly beans were men, her experiences in summer camp for adults, when the brain and heart connect, and relishing each moment that does exist.Being present in discovery, being the happiest, and stepping away from technology

The image of a small child methodically lining up jelly beans, how that influences the people around Richardson on the choices she makes, doing new things while living in the moment while doing them, instead of doing something and thinking about the next one. Being present in the discovery, and what is joy for Richardson, the idea of community and who she surrounds herself with, and what makes her the happiest she’s ever been — and how The Joy List relates to this. Stepping away from technology and bring present with whom you’re with, and the joy found without technology.

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