‘We all have a role to play to do the work’

In last week’s REALWORK episode we met Sima Kumar, CEO of ‘The Other Box’ and serial entrepreneur. We recommend listening to Part 1 first if you haven’t yet, where Sima discussed the how she has built her career, and started to explore her experiences and views on racism, cancel culture, and the need for us to do the work to make change.

In Part 2 Sima dives deeper into her thoughts on racism and privilege, and the need for sustainable activism, including:

Racism, intersectionality, and the importance of white people acknowledging the part they play. The reactive nature of politics, and the swing from Obama to Trump in the US. How outrage is co-opted by the privileged at the expense of effective activism. Understanding your privilege and how it operates so that you can use it to make change. Making your activism sustainable and being conscious of where your interest lies.

The Other Box emotional intelligence webinar replays mentioned in this episode can be found here: https://www.theotherbox.org/emotional-intelligence


How I Became a Localist | Deborah Frieze | TEDx Jamaica Plain - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jTdZSPBRRE

The articles discussed in the podcast:

·       D. Clark, M., 2020. DRAG THEM: A brief etymology of so-called “cancel culture”. Communication and the Public, 5(3-4), pp.88-92.

·       Legate, N., DeHaan, C.R., Weinstein, N. and Ryan, R.M., 2013. Hurting you hurts me too: The psychological costs of complying with ostracism. Psychological science, 24(4), pp.583-588.

·       Hans, V. L., 2020, Aug 01. The Meaningless Anger of Cancel Culture. The Australian Financial Review, 33. ISSN 04042018.

Find out more about REALWORK on Instagram @doreal.work or visit www.doreal.work and sign up to the the newsletter, The REALWORKer.

The REALWORK Podcast with Fleur Emery is produced by Buckers from Decibelle Creative, find her on Instagram: @decibelle_creative and here: www.decibellecreative.com

Our thanks go to Tom Seals for his wonderful piano playing at the end of this episode – find him on Instagram here: @tomseals and www.tomseals.co.uk


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