Welcome to the All NYC EM Podcast! The All NYC EM Conference was started in 2011 by Kaushal Shah, then Associate Program Director at Elmhurst Hospital. The All NYC EM committee was subsequently formed from APDs around the city. The goal of the group was to bring high-quality conferences to the EM residents in New York City and encourage residents to collaborate and form professional relationships. 

With the All NYC EM Podcast, we endeavor to bring the amazing talks from our conferences to Emergency Physicians across the globe. Our conferences have featured world-renowned speakers including Judd Hollander, Haney Mallemat, Ashley Shreves, Scott Weingart, Bob Hoffman and David Newman. The podcast will feature some local NYC names as well. We’ll also be supplementing the podcast with talks from our respective residency conferences.

Alright, enough introduction. Let’s get to the podcasts!

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