Why LBRY was never going to win, and how they have just screwed all crypto. And a new feature in the works for our listeners by our listeners.

Why LBRY was never going to win, and how they have just screwed all crypto. And a new feature in the works for our listeners by our listeners.

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Podverse on Twitter — Podverse v4.6.12 Beta is ready for testing! #FOSS #OpenSourceFountain on Twitter — Fountain 0.5.5 is now available on iOS and Android. The update contains several audio playback bug fixes which address your feedback over the last couple of weeks. Judge rules LBRY video platform’s token is a security in case brought by the US SEC — “No reasonable trier of fact could reject the SEC’s contention that LBRY offered LBC as a security, and LBRY does not have a triable defense that it lacked fair notice.” LBRY 🚀 on Twitter — We lost. Sorry everyone.SEC vs LBRY Summary Judgement Ruling (We Lost)GitHub - ggerganov/whisper.cpp: Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++ — High-performance inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model.\jupiter-search — Showcase for indexing jupiter network podcasts using meilisearch. Transcriptions · Issue #301 — Over the weekend I've added vad splitting and instructions on how to run the inference. I've also created couple of issues in the repository if someone wants to help.Snipd — Discover and save highlights in podcastsMere Mortals Podcast — Philosophy in the park, deep conversations with a light-hearted touch. Stay tuned for dives into cryptocurrencies, fitness, goal setting, fun hypotheticals and whatever captures our attention. 2 to 3 uploads every week!Send a Boost into the Show — Upgrade to a Podcasting 2.0 compatible app, and send a boost into the show.

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