Outdoor networking adventures, new decentralized tools we're building, and a great chat with one of the co-founders of Podverse - an impressive open-source Podcasting 2.0 app.

Outdoor networking adventures, new decentralized tools we're building, and a great chat with one of the co-founders of Podverse - an impressive open-source Podcasting 2.0 app.

Plus, a surprise live unboxing of HP's Dev One Linux laptop.

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Send us a Boost w/a new Podcast App: Send a boost into the show, try out a new app, and help keep podcasting independent. Send us a Boost w/a new Podcast App: Send a boost into the show, try out a new app, and help keep podcasting independent.


JupiterTube — Live streams and special events.VDO.Ninja Trampoline — This form is just a URL simplification trampoline, i.e., it takes a few intuitive URL parameters and redirects to the underlying complex technical URL of VDO.Ninja. It allows you to control VDO.Ninja parameters at a central place while being able to use clean, intuitive and stable URLs for both the presenters and OBS Studio.Vingester — Vingester (Video ingester, /ˈvɪnˈdʒɛster/) is a small, Open Source licensed, Electron-based, desktop application for use under Windows, macOS or Linux to run multiple Chromium-based Web browser instances and ingesting their rendered Web Contents as screen/window-captured or NDI-multicasted or FFmpeg-based video streams for further use in local or remote video mixing applications or for local recording.Raspberry_ninja — Turn your Raspberry Pi or Nvidia Jetson into a ninja-cam with hardware-acceleration enabled! This lets you publish live streaming video and audio directly to your web browser or OBS instance using VDO.Ninja. Achieve very low streaming latency over the Internet or a LAN; all for free.electroncapture: Playback video in a frameless electron app for screen-sharing and window capture — Created for VDO.Ninja users, it can provide users a clean way of window capturing websites. In the case of VDO.Ninja, it may offer a more flexible and reliable method of capturing live video than the browser source plugin built into OBS.Issue tracking for Jupiter Broadcasting's peertube — Issue tracking for Jupiter Broadcasting's peertube instance at https://jupiter.tube/

PeerTube 4.2 — Editing videos from the web interface, detailed viewers stats for videos, ability to adjust latency during a live broadcast and much more... Let's look around and see what it brings us!JupiterTube Matrix Chatroom — Join our JupiterTube Operations chat room on Matrix.Podverse — Open source podcast app. Available for iOS, Android, F-Droid, and web. Office Hours on Podverse@Podverse on TwitterPodverse on GitHubAlby - Bitcoin Lightning Wallet — The Bitcoin Lightning wallet for direct payments across the globe, Bitcoin Lightning applications and passwordless logins.
Alby is a wallet to send and receive Bitcoin payments with your normal browser on the Bitcoin Lightning Network with ease.HP Dev One — From preinstalled Linux Pop!_OS to a tuned Linux keyboard with a Super key, HP Dev One is designed with powerful features and tools to help you code your way.HP Dev One Unboxing - JupiterTube — I clipped the video of the HP Dev One unboxing from Office Hours, just in case you'd like to take a peek! Umbrel 0.5 — This is Umbrel 0.5. A beautiful personal server OS that makes self-hosting accessible for everyone. And our biggest update to Umbrel yet.Umbrel ☂️ on Twitter — A whole new look. Realtime app updates. App permissions, dependencies, and authentication. Official Bitcoin & Lightning node apps. Oh, and dark mode.Boost: Grab a New Podcast App — Send a Boost into the show with a Podcasting 2.0 compatible app.

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