Have the revolutionaries won the war against proprietary software? That’s the argument being made. And we argue, what else did you expect?

Have the revolutionaries won the war against proprietary software? That’s the argument being made. And we argue, what else did you expect?

Plus some performance improvements inbound to Linux, and the perfectly proportioned open source project we’ve recently discovered.

Special Guests: Alan Pope and Brent Gervais.


Celebrate Fifteen Years of Fedora — On November 6, 2003, Red Hat announced Fedora Core 1KDE Connect — Today we released version 1.10 of the KDE Connect Android app. Therefore it’s time again to share what we’ve been working on.
Apple's New Hardware With The T2 Security Chip Will Currently Block Linux From Booting — At least until further notice, these new Apple systems sporting the T2 chip will not be able to boot Linux operating systemsProcDump-for-Linux: A Linux version of the ProcDump Sysinternals tool — A Linux version of the ProcDump Sysinternals toolThe Faster FUSE Has Been Fused Into Linux 4.20 — Performance work for FUSE in this next version of the Linux kernel includes symlink caching, a hash table optimization, and copy file range support. The Open Source Revolution Is Over - the Revolutionaries Won — What happens when the revolutionaries win? After they've stormed the castle, tried on the king's clothes, slept in his bed and drunk the royal wine, then what?Hybrid Cloud Architecture: What Is It and Why You Should CareHuginn: Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. — Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
Automation System Naming FormCPod: An Open Source, Cross-platform Podcast App — It is an Election app, which gives it the ability to run on the largest operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS).