Mike and Chris find themselves at similar forks in the road with their business. And they both share raw observations from the front lines of some hard choices.


Matthew’s Email
Aaron Has Good Taste!

More weekend fun pic.twitter.com/IOUXAwRJBx

— Michael Dominick (@dominucco) March 18, 2018


Amazon’s new GameOn API helps developers add eSports competitions to their games

GameOn is built-on top of AWS and designed to work cross platform; as long as the system your game is running on can make API calls — be it mobile, console, or a computer — it should all work just fine.

Facebook lets all PC games Live stream and reward viewers

Staying Small

David vs Goliath
What does it mean to be small and stay small
Does anyone really choose to stay small
Strategies for dealing with Goliath

Direct competition?

Coder Shirt/Hoodie: https://t.co/igeyKHGlpd

Coder Coasters: https://t.co/8o6Y6sy2C3

Coder Poster: https://t.co/7L19aSs07Y pic.twitter.com/vqz9quEhG4

— Coder Radio (@CoderRadioShow) March 19, 2018

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