A KDE developer releases a drop-in replacement for KWin, Ubuntu shifts its kernel release to a rolling model for some AWS-hosted virtual machines, Google unveils a gRPC framework for Kotlin, and the Paranoid Android ROM returns with an Android 10 build.

A KDE developer releases a drop-in replacement for KWin, Ubuntu shifts its kernel release to a rolling model for some AWS-hosted virtual machines, Google unveils a gRPC framework for Kotlin, and the Paranoid Android ROM returns with an Android 10 build.


The KWinFT project
Martin Flöser: On forking
[Old] Roman Gilg: Part of Valve's Open Source Group
Introducing the Ubuntu AWS Rolling Kernel
Kotlin, meet gRPC: a new open-source project for modern apps
[PDF] SlashData: State of the Developer Nation 18th Edition
Paranoid Android Quartz 1