Testing JavaScript Applications by Lucas da Costa (Coupon for 40% off: podjsjabber19)

Lucas da Costa literally wrote the book on testing JavaScript. He's also maintainer on ChaiJS and Sinon. The podcast follows a three part structure for testing: Entrance tests, integration tests, and structural tests. These form a pyramid of testing that has the entrance tests at the base and the structural and system tests at the top. The episode also covers TDD and approaches to different kinds of JavaScript testing.


AJ O’Neal
Aimee Knight
Steve Edwards


Lucas da Costa


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Testing JavaScript Applications book
Lucas' Website
Lucas' Terminal Guide
Why Flat Earthers are Bad at QA


Lucas - HiDPI (Retina) on any display

Lucas - RDM:
Lucas - Quartz Debug (XCode Additional Tools)

Aimee - Vanilla-todo

AJ - iTerm2

AJ - Fish Shell

AJ - Cloud Encabulator link

Steve - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRupqYXNUVw

Lucas - The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker (Audiobook)

Lucas - On Writing Well

Lucas - Actionable Agile Metrics For Predictability: An Introduction

Lucas - https://github.com/neovim/neovim

Testing JavaScript Applications by Lucas da Costa (Coupon for 40% off: podjsjabber19)

Special Guest: Lucas F. Costa.

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