Wave brings their 3 block tournament back for another year. The blocks are the Young, Technical, and Visual block each with a host of names to note from Kana, Misaki Ohata, Mio Shirai, Ayumi Kurihara, to Yumi Ohka.

Shows covered - Pro Wrestling Wave Catch the Wave tournament 5/2/11-7/24/11

Key matches include:

5/29 Tokyo: Yumi Oka vs. Ayumi Kurihara

6/19 Osaka: Yumi Oka vs. Misaki Ohata

7/24/11 Catch the Wave final

You can find some of the key matches up on our Daily Motion page at Red Leaf Retrocast.

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Big Egg Joshi podcast: https://anchor.fm/K-Master-of-None

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