If you’re looking to up your wrap game this year, we recommend furoshiki – a Japanese approach that’s stood the test of time for centuries. This cotton square is especially handy when wrapping soft or oddly shaped gifts. For an indulgent bundle, we suggest [Arpenteur wool jacket](https://monocle.com/shop/product/1849790/contour-wool-jacket/), soft corduroy [De Bonne Facture trousers](https://monocle.com/shop/product/1833423/easy-trousers-in-fine-corduroy/) and a cosy [beanie from Organics Basics](https://monocle.com/shop/product/1833389/recycled-cashmere-beanie/hot-orange/). Your loved ones deserve a treat.

Find your perfect gift at [The Monocle Shop](https://monocle.com/shop/collections/christmas-gift-guide/).