This week the team has way too many conventions to choose from and they all have great assistive technology to talk about. Join Joel, Jessica and Cool Blind Tech's newest team member Rachel as they discuss the happenings in A.T. Whether this cool Tech shows up in Barcelona, Spain or San Diego, California you can guarantee that the team has an opinion and plenty of techie details.

Accessibility Makes Itself Known At This Year’s Game Developers Conference

San Francisco, California is hosting this year's GDC 2017 and accessibility is a major topic of discussion. Yes, you did read that correctly, make sure to listen and find out how.

Can VR Help the Visually Impaired See Better?

Barcelona Spain, is hosting the Mobile World Congress this week and Samsung is showcasing a VR app called Relumino which can help the visually impaired more efficiently read books and watch tv. Can this replace current assistive devices for less? Make sure to hit play and find out.

Real Time Graphics on a Braille Display

San Diego California, is hosting the annual CSUN convention this week as well and Orbit Research along with the APH is presenting the Orbit Graphiti. The team talks about all the things it can do and who will get their hands on one first.

Cool Picks of the Week

Jessica shows us a cool skill that is available on both the Alexa line of products and the Google Home Assistant. The "Dr. Doggy" skill is a must have for owners of seeing eye dogs or those who care greatly for man's best friend.

Rachel highlights the benefits of using the Yelp app on her iPhone before heading out for a day of fun. Check out how you can plan your next outing as well.

Joel has found a new way to have fun on his iPhone with the new Reverb app. Listen in to find out how you can now bring along a well known virtual assistant with you on both android and iOS devices.