Here at Cool Blind Tech it’s not just about technology, but also about people and today we had a unique opportunity to speak to a visually impaired entrepreneur, Brent Harbolt from The Harbolt Company, a store which focuses on unique and cool mainstream gadgets we can all use as blind or visually impaired individuals.
We speak with Brent about his beginnings and how he started his store, we hear about some of the challenges that Brent has faced as a blind person starting his own business and how he has met and overcome these difficulties. Brent tells us about his business and how his passion for customer service and interaction with people has formed the vision and mission for his store. Brent describes his methods for locating items he sells and how he has fun with his business.
Brent also is offering our listeners a discount at his store, so give the podcast a listen to hear how this rather unique business got started and for an exclusive coupon code for Cool Blind Tech listeners should you find a gadget you just must have.
If you wish to visit The Harbolt Company, you may follow this link:
You may also visit The Harbolt Company Contact Page by Clicking Here should you wish to speak with Brent directly.