The man behind the always thought provoking street graphics bearing the title of "EMPR CTZNS" and I sat down and caught up on things. We delve into some of his concepts and messaging spoken through his works. As well, we get into some of the more technical side of various material options to use in such activities.

With a name like "Empire Citizens", you already know we had to dig into being citizens of the modern empire itself. Which is perfect timing to reflect on the new HBO movie about the rise and fall of Chicago's BPP Fred Hampton. We shed some light on the history of the CoIntelPro Project of Director J. Edgar Hoover overseeing the FBI since it's inception squashing civil rights movements, for now, over 100 years by labeling them communist and socialist slippery slopes while protecting the "powers that be".

On a lighter note: We get a little curious about the hypocrisy of the "Don't Tread on Me" & "Blue Lives Matter" folks literally treading on people and killing cops... seems odd.

Sincere thanks to all who listen and share the show with friends.

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