Graham’s out fending off vaguely Lovecraftian horrors, but the rest of the crew is back to cover a surprisingly fun little one-off Batman episode!

Bruce Wayne gets thrown into a pyramid scheme/cult by his close friend Little Dutch Rich Fred, which turns out to be led by the world’s most charismatic con man, NOSTROMOS! If only Batman could save him! Spoiler: Bruce Wayne is Batman.

While they debate whether or not Nostromos is the true hero of this episode, Mitch auditions for the night shift on your local jazz station, Cameron literally runs away from the podcast and a whole lot of comics news gets covered.

Your Komix Korner recommendation this week is Hawkman by Robert Vendetti and Bryan Hitch.

As always, feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] or on Twitter at @watchtowerdcau.

Komic Korner music, "Paris Ballad", provided by Dana Boulé via the Creative Commons License. Check out her work here: 

Our Technical Difficulties Music, "Organ Grinder Swing" by chēēZ π via the Creative Commons License. Check out their work here:

Our gorgeous album art was graciously made by Gustav Carlson, check out Gus' fantastic webcomic Tourist Unknown at