“The headlines that may or may not be impacting your financial plan and portfolio.”


Week In Review Articles

The WSJ: The Markets Are Locked in a Game of Chicken With the Fed

The WSJ: U.S. Consumer Sentiment Edged Up to Nine-Month High in Early January as Inflation Eased

The WSJ: Economists in WSJ Survey Still See Recession This Year Despite Easing Inflation

The WSJ: Yellen Calls on Congress to Raise Debt Limit


Weekly Mixtape

Morgan Housel: The Art and Science of Spending Money "But that ultimate goal can break down when your relationship with money becomes an ingrained part of your personality. You struggle to break away from focusing on money because the focus itself is a big part of who you are."

Casey Grisez: Trophies "What if we lived every day to win the "trophies" we want at the end of life rather than grinding ourselves down over today's game of whack-a-mole?"

Dr. Joy Lere: Tipping The Scales "Unfortunately, many people lack the humility to admit that they don't (can't) know it all. They won't acknowledge that what works for them may not be appropriate for everyone everywhere. "

Dr. Phil Pearlman: Gamifying Yourself "Whatever journey you are embarking on, whatever mountain you are about to climb, start with something that you feel confident you can do. Easy level one."

Wealth Found Me: Decisions, Decisions: "It took me long after that school project to realize that the real risks are the silent, mundane tasks of everyday life. Our diets, posture, and even our sleep balance. What that project really taught me was that you need to get to the problem before the problem finds you."

Jeremy Finger: Principles of Success From Charlie Munger, Finding Inner Calm, & The Science of Well-Being "Reputation and integrity are your most invaluable asset and can be lost in a heartbeat."

A Wealth Of Common Sense: The Long-Term Wins "Patience will still be rewarded. Long-term investors will always have a higher probability of success than short-term investors."

Of Dollars And Data: It's Time To Work "I don’t say this because I have anything against investment research, but to point out something that the investment industry doesn’t want you to know—most people don’t get rich through their investment decisions, they get rich through their income. They get rich through their work. Even those who do get rich from their investments, typically, had to work to get the money they used to invest in the first place."

PRST: On Our PRST--Creativity On The Court With Justin Ochoa

My Daily Notes

Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining to your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.

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