Week In Review Articles
The WSJ: Congress Certifies Joe Biden’s Election Win Following Day of Turmoil

The WSJ: Georgia Senate Wins by Democrats Followed Years of Party Organizing

The WSJ: House Democrats to Introduce Article of Impeachment Against Trump

The WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates: Reported U.S. Cases Rise as Deaths Dip

The WSJ: Covid-19 Surge Ends Seven Months of U.S. Jobs Growth

The WSJ: U.S. Weighs Adding Alibaba, Tencent to China Stock Ban

The WSJ: Tesla's Elon Musk Overtakes Amazon's Jeff Bezos as World's Wealthiest Person


Why promoting yourself/your business/your ideas feels uncomfortable:
You must repeat things that are obvious to you until they become obvious to others.

— Jack Butcher (@jackbutcher) January 3, 2021


Morgan Housel: Two Worlds--So Much Prosperity, So Much Skepticism "The causes of rising inequality over the last 40 years are vague. It’s part offshoring, part the decline of unions, part winner-take-all technology, part globalization, part regulation and tax code, part education, on and on. Complexity and vagueness made the trends subtle and slow."

Calibrating Capital: Enough "What if we slowed down – if we grew small – in our 30s/40s and then ramped back up if needed in our 40s/50s? Yes: compound interest, yada yada. That is an entirely true point, not only the compounding of our investments, but also the compounding of any businesses we own."

A Wealth Of Common Sense: Updating My Favorite Performance Chart For 2020 "No big takeaways from this data beyond the fact that plus or minus one year here and there can make a large difference when it comes to performance."

The Belle Curve: Lock It In "Whatever you think you know, that the rest of the world doesn’t know, about Tesla, Etsy, Nvidia, Paypal, or any of the other winners this year, it doesn’t matter. You’ve made the kind of return most investors will only dream about. Take some money off the table. It doesn’t matter if the stock keeps going up from here. You can still participate with less of your money at risk.  Lock it in. Secure the win."

The Irrelevant Investor: 10 Things I’ll be Watching Closely in 2021 "It’s always hard to see things changing. And then along comes a year like 2020. Nobody had any of this on their list at the end of 2019. 2021 is sure to deliver some surprises, and unlike the last dreadful year, hopefully, they’re for the better."

Humble Dollar: Growing Up "The financial lessons I learned growing up are still with me as an adult. I grew up not only appreciating the value of a dollar, but also learning that the memories from life experiences are far more valuable than any item that can be bought. To this day, I carefully pick and choose what I’ll spend my hard-earned money on. A day with friends at a pistol shooting competition is more highly valued than any possession I might purchase."

The Retirement Field Guide: Nobody Saw This Coming, Part Two "Can we conclude, once and for all, that we’ll never know what’s going to happen next? Can we conclude that we’ll never see it coming? It’s impossible to time these sorts of things. It’s impossible to time the bad things that might happen, but it’s equally impossible to time the good things."

Brian Plain: New Year, New Mantra "Strict with yourself, tolerant with others."

Thomas Kopelman: The Long Game Podcast Episode 6: Paul Jorgensen – Believing In Yourself

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