This week's episode was inspired by my friend Derick Grant's visit to The AGC™. Derick's talk was centered around mindset but he spent a little bit of time discussing "fear" and he lead off with "Fear is not real. It's the feeling of fear that is real."

Insert head exploding emoji here.

Tune in to hear more about Derick's visit, how the feeling of fear, not fear itself, is slowing your Pursuit, and a few examples of how to handle your fear. Also be sure to check back on the blog Monday for a blog post that will have some exercises to help identify and overcome your feelings of fear.
"Fear, fear’s a powerful thing. I mean it’s got a lot of firepower. If you can figure out a way to wrestle that fear to push from behind rather than to stand in front of you, that’s very powerful." -Jimmy Iovine
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