Eventually, I'd like to find a way to incorporate wellness and health into my financial planning process--I haven't figured out how to do it quite yet, so the most I can do is talk about it and encourage my clients to find ways to take care of themselves.

A couple of weeks ago, I practiced what I always preached and went to have my blood drawn to see what areas in my health could use improvements, did an InBody test to gather more data points, and started a new diet nutrition plan called carb cycling (I'll save you the geeky details). My plan is to continue to take care of myself as best I can to reduce the risks of health issues later in life so I can have a more enjoyable life and also spend less money on health-related expenses.

I encourage you not to view health and wellness as a chore or something to dread, but an investment in both time and money in yourself--yourself today and in the future.

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