I felt it was time to bring All About Your Benjamins The Podcast back on a regular monthly schedule and make some minor adjustments to the programming. We'll still cover financial planning topics but we'll also focus on entrepreneurship, Fintech, and the future of finance. You'll also find audio from videos that fit the All About Your Benjamins brand.

Let's get to the first episode of Season 2 with Rob Petrozzo.

Rob is the co-founder of Rally Rd., a digital platform for buying & selling equity shares in collectible assets. Investors are able to buy shares of expensive cars, sports memorabilia, video game history, and more. It's a very cool platform that has an extremely bright future. I've tried the platform out and am the proud owner of 2 shares of a Mickey Mantle baseball card and 4 shares of a Kobe Bryant card. I'm definitely excited for some of the additional asset classes they plan to bring to Rally.

Be sure to give Rob and Rally Rd. a follow!

Show Notes:

Twitter: Rob Petrozzo

Twitter: Rally Rd.

Instagram: Rally Rd.

Rally Rd Website


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