In a recent call with Khe Hy, he challenged me to consider planting a single seed--shaking out everything else I work on to go all-in on one thing. This episode of All About Your Benjamins is an extension of that call. This was a fun conversation and a little personal as we each shared insight into decisions we make and why we've planted so many seeds in the past.

This will also be the last episode before taking a short break from the podcast to focus more energy on nurturing the existing trees I've grown and focusing more attention on a single seed. I'll be back and I have no doubt the podcast will be better than ever because I'll have more time and energy for it--it will be one of the couple seeds I'll be focusing on at that time 😀.

I also want to encourage you to consider Khe's next cohort of The $10k Bootcamp. If you're looking for help breaking through and arranging your time and energy to free you up to spend time on the high-value things in your life, this class is for you!

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Disclaimer: Nothing on this blog should be considered advice, or recommendations. If you have questions pertaining to your individual situation you should consult your financial advisor. For all of the disclaimers, please see my disclaimers page.