I'll keep this introduction short; Khe Hy has been someone I've been following for almost two years now--I first heard him on Patrick O'Shaughnessy's podcast Invest Like The Best and was captivated by his story. I've enjoyed his writing and podcast, Rad Awakenings, and it was a tremendous honor to have him the show.

We cover a lot of ground in this episode, so be ready to learn about Khe's time on Wall Street, why and how he left, the history behind the name of his company and so much more.

If you aren't already following Khe, do yourself a favor and click the links below to stay up to date with what he is doing, and make sure to read the blog posts I've included as well. You won't regret it!

I hope you enjoy!

Show Notes:

Twitter: @khemaridh

Instagram: @radreadsco

Why Do So Many Successful People Fear Being Broke?

Entrepreneurship Lessons From Hip-Hop

How To Overcome The "Scarcity Mindset"

RAD Reads

RAD Awakenings Podcast

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