A notice at work about Operation Raleigh in Keyna was the first clue of adventure for Sue, but having to raise £1500 in 1988 was not that easy but ducks came to the rescue.

However another advert appeared for 10 novice Artic explorers led by expedition leader David Hempleman Adams, however this time £15,000 had to be raised to secure a place but Sue’s belief of "If It’s meant to be I will find a way” and taking that first small step towards the goal of trekking to the Magnetic North Pole.

Sue’s talks of the mental & physical preparation involved including spending time in a meat freezer at -20 degrees & practising pitching tents.

We talk about mental and physical fitness and having the mindset of just getting through the next 5 minutes and not thinking about what lies ahead but also reflecting on how far you have already come and what you have acumplished which gives you motivation to continue and the opportunity to change anything before you take the next step.

We cover the daily routine of pulling a 50 kilo single file sledge across the ice up to 10 hours a day for 30 days towards their goal and what happened when they reached the Magnetic North Pole.









Sue Stockdale

Executive Coach, TEDx Speaker, Author, Podcaster Phone +44 (0)7780 670664   Website www.suestockdale.com Email [email protected]   Address Wiltshire, UK   Podcast www.accesstoinspiration.org   Book https://suestockdale.com/explore/

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