Amanda wanted to share the experience of her “incredibly beautiful” c-section today, so other pregnant people can hear that it doesn’t have to be scary or traumatic. She describes her experience as “gentle and empowering” and wants more people to spread the word that cesarean doesn’t need to be feared or considered “less than.”

Now, I usually don’t share birth stories from other countries because I don’t know the system and I can’t comment on it. But sometimes it’s nice to hear about other places because we can learn from them and discover ways we can improve in our system. Amanda is from Canada, and she really opened my eyes to the way an obstetrics system could better serve expectant parents.

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What makes the Canadian healthcare system so different from the American systemWhy Amanda’s OB suggested inductionWhat Amanda wanted for her birth vs what she gotWhy she opted for a c-section instead of continuing to try with pitocinHow she felt about cesareans and epidurals before her personal experience with themeWhat her C-section felt likeWhy it’s important to be on the lookout for postpartum anxietyWhy it’s ok to have mixed feelings about your birthHow you can help make the American healthcare system better


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