The placenta is an incredible organ (that’s right, it’s an organ!). Developing soon after conception, it is your baby’s lifeline to your body - literally. Everything the fetus needs is delivered through the umbilical cord which is connected to the placenta.

Nutrients and oxygen are brought in while carbon dioxide and wastes are taken out. Hormones to regulate pregnancy are secreted and your body’s rejection of the fetus is prevented. All of this happens within the placenta. It’s really an amazing part of your body and I know you’re going to love learning all about it including what it does, the most common issues that can occur (placenta abruption, placenta previa, placenta accreta) as well as information about consuming the placenta, and lotus birth (where the placenta is left attached to the baby to fall off naturally). 

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

-What the placenta is and what it does

-What happens when there are concerns with the placenta

-What the most common placental issues are

-What puts you at higher risk

-How common it is to have problems with the placenta

-What makes placenta accreta so dangerous

-Why some parents choose to consume the placenta

-What lotus birth is and whether it provides any benefits


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