Bad news, everyone: losing sleep is part of having a baby. However, the good news is that there are things you can do to help your baby (and you!) catch more of that oh-so-important shut eye. You can stick to a sleep schedule or have a special bedtime routine so your baby knows when it’s time to wind down. And for some, products may help, as well. 

Tara Willaims is a mom of four and the founder and CEO of Dreamland Baby. When she could not find a weighted blanket that her six-month-old could safely wear to help him sleep, she decided to create her own. The result was a doctor-approved, evenly-weighted, wearable sleep sack. Now, of course there is no one-size-fits-all sleep solution, but Tara created her company because it helped her baby sleep and it just might help your little one, too!

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

-Why Tara started Dreamland Baby

-What is a sleep sack, what is a sleep swaddle, and what is the difference

-Why might it be helpful to use a sleep sack or a sleep swaddle

-Why might it be helpful to use a weighted sleep product

-What did Dreamland Baby do to ensure their product is safe

-What are some tips that new parents can use to promote better sleep for their newborns

-How to protect your sleep during the newborn period

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