It’s a good thing Chelsea is a lawyer because she had to defend herself all through labor. She did a lot of research and was incredibly prepared for her birth. However, when she asked informed questions her doctors were impatient and annoyed instead of giving her the attention she needed. After her water broke, a doctor literally didn't believe her until she saw the ultrasound to prove it.

As a Black woman, Chelsea’s biggest fear was dying in childbirth. The way her doctors dismissed her concerns is exactly why it is so dangerous to be Black in the maternal healthcare system. Despite being mistreated and nothing going according to plan, she has now gone through counseling and is feeling proud of her birth.

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

-How she prepared for her birth

-What made her favorite doctor so special

-How she managed several days of contractions at home

-How some of her doctors were dismissive of her concerns

-How long she labored without pain medication before being induced

-What her attitude was towards pain

-How she felt rushed into her c-section by her doctor

-What ultimately convinced Chelsea to opt for a cesarean

-Why it’s important to think about alternatives to your preferred birth


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