This is a difficult birth story episode. Molly experienced an induction before her due date, was denied an epidural at the hospital, and was denied the ability to get up and move around during labor despite having an uncomplicated pregnancy.One of Molly’s regrets is that she took her doctor’s advice to skip birth education and birth planning. Molly felt blindsided by the twists and turns her birth took and wishes that she could have been more informed and confident so she could advocate for herself. She came away from the experience traumatized and disappointed in most of the interactions she had with hospital staff. In the end, though, Molly brought home her healthy baby daughter and gave her possibly the cutest name ever: Juniper.

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

-Why was Molly scheduled for an induction at 40 weeks

-What Molly wished she had known before having her induction

-What it’s like to have a negative reaction to pain medication

-How the attitude of staff can affect the overall birthing process

-How Molly handled latching issues with her baby

-What it was like coping with postpartum OCD

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