It's tough to find content ideas for musicians when you don't know what to post on Instagram. 

A lot of introverted artists panic when they have no music to release and stay silent with the excuse "I don't know what to post on Instagram".

This is a formula I recommend to generate unlimited content ideas for rappers and music producers to make a plan for what to post on Instagram as an artist.

00:00 Intro

00:45 All About Helping Update

01:35 The M-S-C-W Formula

03:13 Content You MUST Capture

04:42 How Will You Use This M-S-C-W Rule?

Does this rule help you understand what to post on Instagram for musicians? Are you prepped to finds new content ideas for rappers and music producers in your week?

Let us know in the comments so we can support with strategies on social media for musicians in future videos!